Student-Contributed Wiki

An awesome team of students from our education program made this wiki.

The pony will not respond while the power switch is set to ‘ON’

Try replacing the four AA batteries located in the butt of the pony by removing the screw on the rear panel.

See (power switch replacement guide) to fix or replace the switch.

If your pony is responding to commands but is unable to move, or only one leg’s motor is working.

Try physically moving the pink tracks on the front two legs. If both tracks are moving freely with no obstruction, try the pony again before moving to the next section.

Try replacing the motor as shown in the (Motor Replacement Guide).

The pony turns on and functions normally, but does not respond when given its included toys (sugar cube, carrot, apple). Petting and brushing the pony still functions as normal.

The main electronic board inside the pony needs to be replaced using the (Main Board Replacement Guide). The sensors are soldered onto the main board so a complete replacement is necessary.

The pony’s leg is limp and does not support its weight properly. The pony’s leg freely hangs.

The spring will need to be replaced or reset, depending on the situation. Both can be achieved by looking at our (Spring Replacement Guide).

The sound coming from your pony is not optimal.

Make sure to set the volume slider to High volume if you have not already.

If the sound is still too low, (See the Speaker Replacement Guide)

The pony’s speaker may need to be replaced. Refer to our (Speaker Replacement Guide).