Student-Contributed Wiki

An awesome team of students from our education program made this wiki.

Meowzies will not turn on when you flip the switch to the ON position.

Check the battery port on the belly of the Zoomer Meowzies to ensure there are batteries present. If batteries are present and inserted correctly, but the Zoomer Meowzies still will not power on, one or more of the batteries may be dead. For battery replacement, refer to the battery replacement guide found here.

If the device still will not power on after batteries have been replaced, there may be a loose connection within the device. To fix a loose wire, refer to Zoomer Meowzies Chest Senor Replacement and check to ensure no wires are loose.

Eye screens do not power on or light up .

Ensure that device is turned on by checking switch located on the belly of Zoomer Meowzies, directly above battery port. If not on, flip switch to ON position, marked by a green circle. If eyes still do not light up, batteries may be dead and battery replacement will be required. For dead battery, refer to Dead Batteries troubleshooting below.

Check the battery port on the belly of the Zoomer Meowzies to ensure there are batteries present. If batteries are present and inserted correctly, but the Zoomer Meowzies still will not power on, one or more of the batteries may be dead. If so, use the guide to replacing the batteries, found here.

If device has working batteries and is turned ON, but eyes still do not light up, the screens for the eyes may be broken and require replacement. For screen replacement, follow the screen replacement guide found here.

When placed with other Zoomer Meowzies does not interact, communicate, or respond to the other Meowzies as described in its functions.

Ensure that device is turned on by checking switch located on the belly of Zoomer Meowzies, directly above battery port. If not on, flip switch to ON position, marked by a green circle. If eyes still do not light up, batteries may be dead and battery replacement will be required. For dead battery, refer to Dead Batteries troubleshooting found here.

If device is ON but Meowzies still will not interact with each other, take both Meowzies and press their noses against each other. Wait until eyes show rotating lights before separating them. Ensure that the devices are fully standing and facing each other no more than four to five inches apart for better connection.

If device noses have been pressed together but still will not sync, ensure that the sensors located on the chest are clean and free of any debris. If the sensors are dirty, take a cotton q-tip or a small, soft dry cloth and gently wipe the sensors clean.

Strong sunlight can interfere with the chest sensors. If devices are on, sensors are clean, and noses have been touched, but the devices still will not sync or interact, sunlight may be interfering with the sensors. Ensure that Meowzies are moved into a more shaded area or away from sunlight.

If all steps have been taken, but Meowzies still will not sync or interact the chest sensors may be broken and need to be replaced. For sensor repair and replacement, refer to the sensor repair guide found here.

When attempting to roll, does not move or roll.

Ensure that none of the four wheels on each foot are stuck. If wheel(s) is stuck, might need removal for thorough cleaning. To remove wheels, follow wheel removal guide found here. If wheels still do not move once cleaned, wheels might be broken and may need to be replaced. If broken, refer to Broken Wheels troubleshooting.

Ensure none of the four wheels on each foot or the legs are broken. If broken, wheel(s) or legs will need replacement. For wheel replacement, follow the instructions on the wheel replacement guide found here. For leg replacement, follow instructions on leg replacement guide found here.

The device has no audible sounds from the device, or sound is not clear.

Ensure that device is turned ON. If device is ON but still has no sound, debris may be blocking the speakers. Check under chin and ensure speakers are clean and clear of debris. If dirty, use a can of compressed air to clean speakers. If sound still does not come out, speakers may be broken and may need repair or replacement. For a broken speaker, refer to Loose Wire or Blown Speaker Troubleshooting.

If Meowzies is ON and speakers are clean, but there is still no audible sound, the speaker may broken from the inside or a wire my have come loose through play. Speaker may need to be repaired. For repair and replacement of the speaker, follow the speaker repair guide found here.

Pressing the buttons on the Meowzie’s back and nose does not activate game mode.

Ensure that device is ON. If device is ON, but the buttons will not work, debris may have gotten under the button that may prevent it from depressing. Using a toothpick and some cotton or soft cloth, gently clean the area and ensure that no visible debris remains.

If device is ON and buttons are clean, but games still cannot be accessed, the contacts for the buttons may be damaged and need replacement. For button repair and replacement refer to the button repair guide found here.

When in game mode, hand motions for game play are not being registered.

Ensure that device is turned on. If device is ON but hand motions are still not being registered, sensors may be dirty. Ensure that the sensors located on the chest are clean and free of any debris. If the sensors are dirty, take a cotton q-tip or a small, soft dry cloth and gently wipe the sensors clean.

Strong sunlight can interfere with the chest sensors. If device is ON and sensors are clean, but the devices still will not sync or interact, sunlight may be interfering with the sensors. Ensure that Meowzies are moved into a more shaded area or away from sunlight.

If all steps have been taken, but hand motions are still not being registered, the chest sensors may be broken and need replacement. For sensor repair and replacement, refer to the sensor repair guide found here.