Released May 2014, 7 inch display, 4 GB hard drive

Student-Contributed Wiki

An awesome team of students from our education program made this wiki.

The tablet’s screen does not turn or freezes during use.

When a battery is low on charge or malfunctioning, the tablet’s processor tries to conserve charge by limiting the performance. This may result in extremely slow speeds or a frozen screen entirely. In addition, if the battery cannot hold a charge, the device may get stuck on startup screen then turn off soon after.

If too many apps are running in the background of the device, this may put additional strain on the system, causing the screen to freeze. The Zeepad 7DRK only has an initial 4GB of storage, 2GB of which are taken up by the operating system. This leaves only 2GB of memory and only 512MB of RAM to handle whatever the device is being used for.

The LED backlight for the screen may be malfunctioning causing the screen to either freeze or fail to turn on entirely. The backlight is the part of the tablet that allows one to see what is happening by projecting the images onto the back of the screen. If the screen is not functioning, but the device is certainly on, the backlight may be the cause.

The tablet is unable to access the internet.

If the device does not connect to the Wi-Fi, it is possible that the ability to connect to wireless internet has not been enabled in the device settings. Simply access “Settings”, then “Network” and finally select “Wi-Fi”. Assure that you know the password to any protected Wi-Fi networks before attempting to connect.

The Zeepad 7DRK does not have capabilities to connect to wireless connections beyond Wi-Fi routers. For this reason, it is important to assure that the tablet is used within range of a properly working router and modem. If the wireless symbol shows minimal connectivity bars, there is a good chance that it is being used towards the edge of that wireless connection’s range.

In some situations, a device may be unable to connect to Wi-Fi because downloaded software may be interfering with the connection. A simple fix to this problem is to restart the device. In situations where it is possible, restarting the modem may also fix the issue.

The tablet’s battery won’t hold a charge.

If plugging the tablet into a charger doesn’t successfully charge the battery, there’s a chance that the charger is broken. In this situation, the charger can be replaced for a reasonable price.

Unfortunately, the Zeepad 7DRK comes with a battery with an average of 3 hours of use. If, however, the battery holds a charge for an excessively shorter amount of time, there is a chance that it isn’t working as efficiently as it should, and it may need to be replaced.

If connecting a charger doesn’t effectively charge the tablet, the device’s charging port may be broken. In this situation, replace the charging port.

The sound played from the tablet is warped, changed, or nonexistent.

If the speaker does not make any sound or the audio is distorted all the time, the wiring may be bad. If the soldering connecting the audio wire to the motherboard is poorly done, or even non-existent, this could severely affect the audio quality and range. Since the speaker operates based on electrical input from the Tablet’s computer, a bad electrical connection will certainly cause a distortion.

-A speaker can become blown for any number of reasons, but the easiest way to tell is to pick a song that you are very familiar with and listen to it with earbuds or on another device that works properly. Then play that same song through the tablet. If there are noticeable differences in the audio quality, crackling, pops, or distortion, the speaker is most likely blown. In tablets and other mobile devices, the OEM speakers are low budget and low quality. After years or even months of use, they could easily break.

If either of the ends of the speaker wires have exposed wire, and are touching, this could contribute to poor audio quality. The touching wires interrupt the flow of electricity between the audio output of the tablet and the speaker itself. This interruption could range from a slight distortion or crackling in the sound, to complete silence since the electricity never actually flows through the speaker.

The button to turn the tablet on and off is permanently stuck in.

The button is caught on the inside of the casing for the device, preventing it from coming back out. To fix this you need to remove the casing move the button and reassemble the device again.

The plastic from the button itself could be cracked or damaged causing it to be stuck in place. To fix this you will need remove the casing and may need to alter the button before reassembling.

The casing of the Zeepad could be bent or warped pinning the button in place. To fix this you need to remove the casing and try to fix any defects in the casing before reassembling.