



Time Required

                          15 minutes            



  • Case
  • 5 steps
  • Hard Drive Assembly
  • 2 steps
  • Optical Drive Assembly
  • 2 steps
  • Motherboard
  • 6 steps
  • Heatsink/Fan
  • 3 steps



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What you need

Step 1

  • Flip the Xbox One S so that the bottom of the case is facing upward.

Flip the Xbox One S so that the bottom of the case is facing upward.


Step 2

  • Begin by working at the case on the rear where the warranty sticker is located. Insert the plastic opening tool into the gap between the bottom of the case and the grated top side. Then find the clips in between that hold the case in place. Use the opening tool to pop the clips out. The best method is to pry the black case away from the bottom.
  • Use the opening tool to pop the clips out. The best method is to pry the black case away from the bottom.
  • You will hear clicking sounds when you are prying the case open. It may be fairly difficult to remove the bottom.
  • It’s possible that the clips may break when you remove the bottom from the case.
  • We recommend starting at the back where the warranty sticker is located. Pry along the rear edge until all clips are free. From there do each side. When three sides are free start at the end of the front opposite the sync button. Be cautious and take your time and all should separate without any damage.

Begin by working at the case on the rear where the warranty sticker is located. Insert the plastic opening tool into the gap between the bottom of the case and the grated top side. Then find the clips in between that hold the case in place. Use the opening tool to pop the clips out. The best method is to pry the black case away from the bottom.

Use the opening tool to pop the clips out. The best method is to pry the black case away from the bottom.

You will hear clicking sounds when you are prying the case open. It may be fairly difficult to remove the bottom.

It’s possible that the clips may break when you remove the bottom from the case.

We recommend starting at the back where the warranty sticker is located. Pry along the rear edge until all clips are free. From there do each side. When three sides are free start at the end of the front opposite the sync button. Be cautious and take your time and all should separate without any damage.

Step 3

  • Once all of the clips are opened, remove the bottom part of the case.

Once all of the clips are opened, remove the bottom part of the case.

Step 4

  • Use a T3 Torx screwdriver to remove the six green 50 mm long screws from the metal case labeled F1 through F6.

Use a T3 Torx screwdriver to remove the six green 50 mm long screws from the metal case labeled F1 through F6.

Step 5

  • Gently separate the interior case from the white exterior case using the appropriate method.
  • Pry the white plastic sides outwards at the rear to separate from the plastic I/O shield

Gently separate the interior case from the white exterior case using the appropriate method.

Pry the white plastic sides outwards at the rear to separate from the plastic I/O shield

Step 6

              Hard Drive Assembly               
  • To replace the hard drive, flip over the console and remove the two 10 mm T-10 Torx screws, C3 and C4, from the backside of the Xbox One S.
  • This will allow the plastic casing surrounding the hard drive to become detached from the rest of the console.

To replace the hard drive, flip over the console and remove the two 10 mm T-10 Torx screws, C3 and C4, from the backside of the Xbox One S.

This will allow the plastic casing surrounding the hard drive to become detached from the rest of the console.

Step 7

  • Gently disconnect the hard drive from the motherboard (at the two plastic connector bodies).

Gently disconnect the hard drive from the motherboard (at the two plastic connector bodies).

Step 8

              Optical Drive Assembly               
  • To remove the optical disc drive, remove the silver 10 mm T-10 Torx screw labeled “C5.”

To remove the optical disc drive, remove the silver 10 mm T-10 Torx screw labeled “C5.”

Step 9

  • Pull the disc drive slightly off the motherboard and disconnect the plastic connectors from the motherboard.

Pull the disc drive slightly off the motherboard and disconnect the plastic connectors from the motherboard.

Step 10

  • To replace the motherboard you must remove the three silver 10 mm T-10 Torx screws labelled “C1,” “C2,” and “C6.”
  • Remove the four black 8 mm T-9 Torx screws lablelled “A1,” “A2,” “A3,” and “A4.”

To replace the motherboard you must remove the three silver 10 mm T-10 Torx screws labelled “C1,” “C2,” and “C6.”

Remove the four black 8 mm T-9 Torx screws lablelled “A1,” “A2,” “A3,” and “A4.”

Step 11

  • Locate the rectangular silver clamp on the opposite corner of the power block.

Locate the rectangular silver clamp on the opposite corner of the power block.

Step 12

  • Grab the clamp with the tweezers. Pull the clamp upward, away from the silver casing. Jiggle it back and forth like a tooth if necessary.
  • It’s okay to apply a little bit of force here to get the clamp off the silver casing. The metal is bendable and can be bent/clamped back on.

Grab the clamp with the tweezers. Pull the clamp upward, away from the silver casing. Jiggle it back and forth like a tooth if necessary.

It’s okay to apply a little bit of force here to get the clamp off the silver casing. The metal is bendable and can be bent/clamped back on.

Step 13

              Remove Wifi antenna               
  • you need to unscrew the small circuit board next to the fan before removing the motherboard. I think it is for the Wifi antenna.

you need to unscrew the small circuit board next to the fan before removing the motherboard. I think it is for the Wifi antenna.

Step 14

              Remove Mediatek board               
  • Remove Mediatek small circuit board labeled D1, D2, and D3

Remove Mediatek small circuit board labeled D1, D2, and D3

Step 15

  • Now that the clamp is removed, gently lift the motherboard from its edges out from the metal casing. The motherboard should come out with ease.

Now that the clamp is removed, gently lift the motherboard from its edges out from the metal casing. The motherboard should come out with ease.

Step 16

  • Flip the motherboard over to the back and find the metal x-shaped bracket.
  • Use a spudger or plastic opening tool to pry the corners of the bracket off the four little green mounts.
  • These photos show a screwdriver being used to lift the bracket corners. Use a spudger or plastic opening tool to prevent damage to the motherboard.

Flip the motherboard over to the back and find the metal x-shaped bracket.

Use a spudger or plastic opening tool to pry the corners of the bracket off the four little green mounts.

These photos show a screwdriver being used to lift the bracket corners. Use a spudger or plastic opening tool to prevent damage to the motherboard.

Step 17

  • Detach the fan/heatsink from the board by gently pulling up on the plastic white connectors.

Detach the fan/heatsink from the board by gently pulling up on the plastic white connectors.

Step 18

  • Once the heatsink/fan is off the board, use the plastic opening tool to pry the plastic fan off the metal heatsink at the fan’s rectangular clips.
  • It may take a bit of force to pry the fan off the heatsink.

Once the heatsink/fan is off the board, use the plastic opening tool to pry the plastic fan off the metal heatsink at the fan’s rectangular clips.

It may take a bit of force to pry the fan off the heatsink.

To reassemble your device, follow these instructions in reverse order.

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                    Erik Ramazzini                     

Member since: 04/26/2017

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                       Cal Poly, Team S22-G3, Livingston Spring 2017                        

                                                  Member of Cal Poly, Team S22-G3, Livingston Spring 2017 


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                                            56 Guides authored                     

Don - Oct 16, 2018


After researching replacement costs through local “fixit” places and Microsoft and cost ranging from $140 to $175 for fan replacement. Decided to take chance on this fan for Xbox one S. https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B07HD3… Take time taking the bottom black plastic cover off once it gets started its easy. The corner by MS logo has tab that seems a bit thicker and took some doing to get off. Followed this guide did not have to do port removal. Once I got main white case off I just took hard drive and optical drive screws out. Just lifted enough to get to tab holding fan onto heat sink. popped them off and then replaced with this unit. Be aware when putting optical drive and hard drive back in place there are plastic tabs that match to holes on motherboard and let the two units sit down all the way. Also If I recall the hard drive goes in first and then  optical drive. 15 minutes from start to finish. Worked like a champ right off! thanks for the awesome guide!

hypokeimenon - Apr 20, 2019


ACHTUNG!!! Schritt 15 ist UNNÖTIG bzw. hat so wie hier beschrieben womöglich FATALE Folgen für Eure Xbox! (Es sei denn Ihr wollt aus irgendeinem mir nicht ersichtlichen Grund den Kühler austauschen und nicht den Lüfter.) Denn was hier unterschlagen wird: Löst man den Kühler wie in den Bildern gezeigt von der Platine wird die Verbindung zwischen Kühleinheit und Prozessor unterbrochen und die Kühlpaste zerbröselt und verliert jegliche Wirkung!

Der Lüfter lässt sich auch OHNE Ablösen des Kühlkörpers relativ einfach von diesem abhebeln. Falls dennoch der Kühlkörper von der Platine abgelöst werden soll/muss (oder so wie in meinem Fall im blinden Vertrauen auf die Richtigkeit obiger Anleitung unnötigerweise entfernt wurde) UNBEDINGT Prozessor und Kühlkörper von der alten Paste befreien und neue Paste auftragen (Anleitungen hierfür finden sich im Netz).

macminitosh - Nov 7, 2019

Es rät sich auf jeden Fall an, die Wärmeleitpaste zwischen Kühlkörper und Prozessor zu wechseln (besonders, wenn sie bereits trocken ist und beim Ausbau zerbröselt), wenn man sich schon die Mühe macht und die Xbox komplett demontiert.

Die Anleitung zum Austausch der Wärmeleitpaste gibt es hier:

How to Apply Thermal Paste

Ach ja: außerdem fehlt in der Beschreibung das Lösen der beiden seitlich angebrachten Funkmodule (in neuren Modellen?) und zwei zusätzliche Schrauben (B1 und B2) müssen auch noch entfernt werden, um die Hauptplatine lösen zu können. ;-)

Steven Hering - Dec 15, 2020

Regulär alles da. Nur separat aufgelistet