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Microsoft Word Word processor Double space Clipboard Tab Macro Word processing Ribbon Formatting mark Page setup

Center Clip art Clipboard Clippy Column break Copy Cross-reference Cursor Cut

Ellipsis Embedded command Embedded object Em dash En dash End mark Endnote EOP

File tab Flush left Flush right Font Footer Footnote Forced page break Format Formatting marks Formatting toolbar

Odd header Office Office 365 Office assistant Office button Office clipboard Office Online OpenOffice Orphan Outline Outline view Overtype mode

Page Page break Page orientation Pages Page setup Pagination Paragraph Paragraph formatting Paste Portrait mode Print layout Print preview Proofreading Punctuation

Rag Ragged Repaginate Return Ribbon Right align Rule Ruler Running foot Running head

SBE Section break Smart Tag Soft copy Soft page break Soft return Source document Spell checker StarOffice Style Subscript Superscript

Tab Tab stop Template Text TextEdit Text wrap