Student-Contributed Wiki

An awesome team of students from our education program made this wiki.

Heating component is not reaching a high enough temperature to toast bread.

Check to be sure that the toaster is plugged in and there is no observable damage to the power cord. If no power reaches the heating component, this could be due to a bad electrical connection that may have occurred if the toaster was dropped or the wires could be corroded if they got wet. If the toaster is turning on at all, try checking the electrical connection with this guide.

Check to be sure that the toaster is plugged in and there is no observable damage to the power cord. If the toaster is not responding to the toaster the heat dial circuit board could be fried. This could have happened due to water damage. If the toaster is not responding to the heat dial, try replacing the heat dial circuit board with this guide.

The toast control lever will not remain locked when pulled down or will not rise all the way up.

If the toast will not remain locked in the toaster or will not pop up when the timer is done, the slide assist plunger may need to be replaced. Over time, the slide assist plunger may loose its’ suction or get jammed which results in the slide lever being unable to reach the bottom of the divot, or the toast not rising when the timer is done. If this is the case, try replacing the Slide Assist Plunger with this guide.

If the user is unable to push the lever into the locked position, this may be the cause of a latch malfunction. This can occur if the toaster was dropped or the lever was pushed down super hard. If the lever is unable to be pushed down, or if the lever is able to be pushed to the bottom of the divot, but will not stay secured at the bottom, try unjamming the latch.

Button lights will not turn on.

If the lights on the toaster do not come on, then this could be results of the component breaking if the toaster was dropped, water damage, or the lights are simply burnt out. If lights for various buttons will not turn on while the toaster is plugged in and other toaster functions work, try replacing the light component with this guide.