The highest connection speed with 56k modems is 53 kbps due to the FCC guidelines. If you are connecting at 53 kbps or close to 53 kbps, this is the highest connection speed your phone lines and modem will support.

If you are not connecting close to 56 kbps, you need to ensure the Internet provider uses the same standard, such as X2, Flex, or V.90. If you are not connecting to the same standard, you will connect at a max of either 28 or 36 kbps.

If your Internet service provider uses the same standard, it is a good possibility your phone lines may not be compatible. Or, your phone lines are not being switched properly.

  • Modem help and support.
  • See the modem standards page for additional information about the 56 k, V.90, X2, and KFlex standards.