If your computer system cannot boot with a hard drive greater than 33.8 GB, follow these steps.

Configure computer to boot with HDD over 33.8 GB

Verify the hard drive is fully recognized in your CMOS setup.

  • How to enter and exit the BIOS or CMOS setup.

If the hard drive is not fully detected by CMOS, it is likely you are encountering a BIOS limitation. This issue can be resolved one of two ways.

  • Obtain a BIOS update from the computer or motherboard manufacturer. It is only recommended you upgrade your BIOS if the update explicitly states it resolves this limitation.

  • Help with computer BIOS updates.

  • Utilize the DDO (Disk Drive Overlay) diskette included with the hard drive or obtainable through the hard drive manufacturer.

  • Why am I only able to see a 2 gigabyte partition or drive?
  • Why can’t I see over 8.4 GB on my hard drive?
  • Why does Windows 95 not support hard drives over 32 GB?
  • Hard drive help and support.