In general, a ware or wares is a product(s) or tool(s). With computers, “ware” is often a suffix that’s used in conjunction with another word to describe a type of computer product. For example, software is a description of instructions that are run on computer hardware.
Computer words containing the word ware
The following is a list of computer-related words containing the word “ware” in the word and links to their related definitions.
- Adware
- Alienware
- Anti-spyware
- Betaware
- Bloatware
- Bundle ware
- Careware
- Censorware
- Charityware
- Crapware
- Creepware
- Crippleware
- Data warehouse
- Demoware
- Donationware
- Dribbleware
- Firmware
- Foistware
- Forte TeamWare
- Freeware
- Grayware
- GroupWare
- Guiltware
- Hardware
- Humanware
- Junkware
- Live!Ware
- Location-aware
- Malware
- Meatware
- Middleware
- Nagware
- NetWare
- Oldware
- Peopleware
- Pkware
- PlaceWare
- Policeware
- Postcardware
- Probeware
- Ransomware
- Scareware
- SCO Unixware
- Scumware
- Shareware
- Shovelware
- Slackware
- Sneakware
- Snoopware
- Software
- Spyware
- Sun WorkShop TeamWare
- TRENDware
- UnixWare
- Vaporware
- VMware
- Warez
- Wetware
Hardware terms, Software terms
Several terms contain the words “software” and “hardware” that are not contained in the following list. See our software and hardware pages for a list of the types of software and hardware.
See our full list of computer-related terms containing ware using our word and letter search.
Related information
- What are the differences between hardware and software?