Coined in 1991, Internet of Things (IoT) is an idea of all objects in the world being uniquely identifiable, tracked, and connected to the Internet. If every object could be identified and tracked businesses could more efficiently manufacture products, as they would know how much inventory they have available and what needs to be ordered. People could find whatever they needed very quickly and easily by executing a search of the Internet of things and locate the item or person they need. The world would be forever changed and, to the hope of many people, made better.

The first technology considered to be the beginning of the Internet of Things was RFID. Devices with RFID had a unique identifier and could be tracked like inventory. Computer systems can identify where RFID devices are, within a specified range of distance. Security systems often use RFID devices for tracking employees in buildings or equipment in warehouses and can give a virtual map of everything in a building or warehouse.

People envision the future, the Internet of things, as a place where even people could be uniquely identified by some form of device or computer chip. It can provide for a safer world, but it could also create larger paranoia, where people think they are being watched. At the rate technology is advancing and shrinking in size, the Internet of things is not far fetched and could be closer than we think.

Ambient computing, Chip, Internet terms, MySensors, Nest thermostat, RFID, Wi-Fi

  • IoT companies and related links.