The primary difference between a div and a span is their default behavior. By default, a

is a block-level element and a is an inline element. In other words, if you want to adjust a small portion of text and not break it out of the current line, use a . If you need to modify a large division, the height, move an element, or contain other elements, use a

Example of an HTML tag

Example text that is red text and an example of a span tag.

HTML code

Example text that is red text and an example of a span tag.

Example of an HTML

Example of a div tag with a maximum width of 200 pixels and a silver background.

Example of a div tag with a maximum width of 200 pixels and a silver background.

  • Help with the
  • Information about the tag.
  • What is the difference between block and inline-block?
  • HTML and web design help and support.