In Microsoft Excel, SUMIF is a formula used to add together the values over a range of cells. The basic SUM function adds values in a range of cells, regardless of what the values are. With SUMIF, a user can define specific criteria that must be met for values in a cell range to be included in the addition process.

SUMIF example

Take a look at the image. If you wanted only to add together values that are greater than five, you could write the SUMIF formula as follows:


As the cells A2 and A5 contain a greater than five value, they’ll be the only ones added together by the formula, resulting in a value of 17.

Excel formula, Software terms, Spreadsheet terms, SUM

  • Help, examples, and information on Excel formulas.
  • Microsoft Excel help and support.
  • Type an equal sign in a spreadsheet without doing a formula.