Sort may refer to any of the following:
- Sort is organizing data in a particular order allowing for information to be found easier. For example, names and contact information may be sorted in alphabetical order to allow the person looking for a name to see if it’s available.
Types of sorts
Over the history of the computer there have been many different algorithms developed to help sort data. Below is a listing of the different types of sorts.
- Ascending order
- Bitonic sort
- Bogo sort
- Bubble sort
- Cocktail shaker sort
- Descending order
- Gnome sort
- Heap sort
- Insertion sort
- Lexicographic sort
- Merge sort
- Quantum sort
- Quicksort
- Radix sort
- Selection sort
- Shell sort
- Spaghetti sort
- Tree sort
Visual representation of sorts
Below is a video that gives you a visual representation of many sorting algorithms and examples of how each is utilized.
- Sort is also a command in Linux, see our sort command information page for further information on this command.
Related information
- Use our free online text tool to sort any text.
- MS-DOS and Windows command line sort command information.
- In Microsoft Excel, Sort is a feature used to organize data. For example, arranging a list of names in either alphabetical or a collection of dates in numerical order.
Chronological, External sort, Internal sort, Organize, Random, Selection sort, Sequential, Software terms, Sorter, Sort field, Sort within a sort, Spreadsheet terms
- How to sort a list in Microsoft Excel.
- How to create a custom sort in Microsoft Excel.
- Easily sort data in Microsoft Excel using the auto filter.