S may refer to any of the following:

  1. The letter S or is chat slang for a smile. For example, if something someone said made the person smile in real life, they may use this letter as an indication they smiled.

  2. In gaming, when using the WASD keys to control a character or another object, the “S” is the same as the down arrow key.

  3. S is a keyboard key used with the keyboard shortcuts Alt+S, Command+S, and Ctrl+S.

  4. With a regular expression, \s matches a space character (space, \t, \r, \n). When capitalized, \S matches any non-white space character. When used as a regular expression flag, “s” matches new lines.

  5. In chat and other texted-based communication, /s may be added to the end of a text to indicate what was said was sarcasm.

  6. With Microsoft Excel and other spreadsheet programs, “S” is the nineteenth column of a spreadsheet. To reference the first cell in the column, you’d use “S1.”

  7. In Adobe Photoshop, S is a shortcut to select the stamp tools.

  8. With time notations, the lowercase s is for a second. For example, with a long time it may be formatted as “h:mm:ss tt,” which is the same as “hour:minutes:seconds AM/PM.”

  9. In the phonetic alphabet, “S” is often pronounced as “Sierra.”

  10. With days of the week, S is an abbreviation for Saturday.

  11. S is the nineteenth letter of the English alphabet. The letter “S” comes after “R” and is followed by the letter “T.” To create a capitalized “S,” press Shift and S at the same time.

With U.S. QWERTY keyboards, the “S” key is on the home row, to the right of the “A” and left of the “D” key. See our keyboard page for a visual example of all keyboard keys.

Chat terms, Computer acronyms, , Letter, LOL

If the “S” key is not working on the keyboard, see: Some keys on my computer keyboard aren’t working.

In ASCII, the uppercase “S” is “083” in decimal (01010011 in binary). The lowercase “s” is “115” in decimal (01110011 in binary).

Doing the Alt code Alt+83 creates a capital “S” and Alt+115 creates a lowercase “s” character.

The number 7 on a phone keypad is used to create an “S” on a US phone.

  • See our S terms for a full listing of computer terms starting with “S.”
  • Computer people and pioneers with “S” first names.