Red may refer to any of the following:

  1. Red is the color of an LED that indicates an error or network data collision. An error will be a solid red LED and a data collision will be a flashing red LED.

If you’re unsure what the LED indicates on your computer or network device, refer to the computer or networking product manual for additional information.

  1. Linux command, see the red command page for additional information.

  2. With HTML, red is represented as the HTML color code #FF0000 or #F00 in CSS shorthand, which is hexadecimal for 255 red, 0 green, and 0 blue.

Amber, Blood red, Collision, Color, Color terms, Green

  • HTML color code for #FF0000 and similar colors.
  • How to change the font color, size, style, or type in Word.
  • All color-related questions and answers.
  • See our HTML color code page for a full listing of colors, including other shades of red.