Released in 2015, PayPal.Me is a service provided by PayPal. Instead of using an e-mail address or phone number, users can send others money by visiting a URL generated by the service, similar to Streamlabs. Once the sender has reached the web page, they can send money using their PayPal balance, bank account, debit card, or credit card. Once users have created a link, it is permanently attached to their PayPal account and cannot be changed.

Business terms, Currency, Internet terms, Monetization, Online payment system, Square Cash, Venmo

In order to create a PayPal.Me link, you need to have a PayPal account. To create one for free, visit the PayPal website.

  • How to create a PayPal.Me link.
  • How to set up a Streamlabs account.
  • How to make money online.
  • PayPal company contact information.