OSI may refer to any of the following:

  1. Short for Open System Interconnection, OSI is a network model developed by ISO in 1978 where peer-to-peer communications are divided into seven layers. Each layer performs a specific task or tasks and builds upon the preceding layer until the communications are complete. Below are each of the seven layers.

1 - Physical layer - responsible for the electrical, mechanical, and timing across the link. 2 - Data link layer (also known as the link layer) - responsible for transmitting data across a link. 3 - Network layer - responsible for routing information through the network and allowing systems to communicate. 4 - Transport layer - responsible for transferring information between endpoints on the network and deals with errors, such as lost or duplicate packets. 5 - Session layer - responsible for managing a session between two applications. 6 - Presentation layer - responsible for the data formatting, translation, data compressions, and display, allowing for compatibility. 7 - Application layer - responsible for user interaction. An example of an OSI application is the FTAM.

The seven layers in the OSI model are usually displayed in reverse order, with layer 7 listed first (at the top) and layer 1 listed last (at the bottom).

  1. Short for Open Source Initiative, OSI is a non-profit corporation dedicated to managing and promoting open source. Visit the official Open Source Initiative website.
  • Network and network card help and support.

ASN.1, Computer acronyms, HDLC, Layer 8, LLC, Network terms, Open-source, PDU, X.25