Originally known as “Kibble” until a more permanent name was created, Netflix is an American company established on August 29, 1997. Netflix offers DVD and Blu-ray rentals through the mail and on-demand video streaming over their digital distribution platform. Customers receive the DVDs in the mail and return them by mail using a prepaid envelope.
In September 2011, Netflix began offering streaming video that allows customers to stream movies and TV shows over the Internet to their TV. Netflix streaming requires a computer, Smart TV, smartphone, tablet, Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, Nintendo Wii, TiVo, and other set-top boxes (e.g., Apple TV and Roku).
Each of these services requires a monthly subscription fee. There is a flat monthly rate for the streaming video service and DVD rental service. Customers can get unlimited DVD rentals each month, but only one DVD at a time. When they return one DVD, the next DVD on their rental queue list is sent to them in the mail. Blu-ray discs are available to rent for an additional monthly fee.
In 2017, Netflix announced over 1 billion hours of content had been watched on its platform.
How fast of connection should I have for Netflix?
Netflix recommends 3 Mbps connection for standard quality and 5 Mbps connection for high-definition streaming. If more than one person is sharing the same connection, they recommend 10 Mbps.
Related information
- Is watching TV for free on the Internet legal?
- Netflix company contact information.
- The Netflix website.