My may refer to any of the following:

  1. In general, my is a determiner that describes something belonging to you. For example, with Microsoft Windows, the My Documents is a folder containing all documents that belong to you, the user of the computer.

  2. In computer programming languages, like Perl, my is used to declare an array, variable, or hash for the enclosing block, file, or eval. In the following example, we use my to declare variables three different ways. In the first line, we declare a single variable called “$first.” In the second line, we declare three variables in one line by enclosing them in parentheses. In the third line, we declare a variable and assign it a string value.

my $first;my ($one, $two, $three);my $example = “example of string.”;

  1. The Internet domain suffix .my is short for Malaysia.

See our declaration page for more information about declaring in computer programming.

My Computer, My Documents, My Network, My Pictures, MySQL, Programming terms