A logo may refer to any of the following:

  1. A logo refers to an image, emblem, or symbol used to represent something. Usually, a logo represents a company, organization, product, or service, and is equivalent to a trademark.

The image shows the logo of Computer Hope. It is composed of shapes that represent the letters “C” and “H” in the words “Computer Hope.”

  1. Alternatively called turtle graphics, Logo is pronounced as Low-go and is a high-level programming language known for its graphics capabilities, created by Seymour Papert in 1967. Logo is often used for young school children as a basic method of programming instructions into a computer to create a graphic. Below, are the instructions used to create a square.
  • How to create a logo.
  • Computer Hope media library.
  • Information about Computer Hope redesigns.
  • Examples of how to link to Computer Hope.

forward 100 right 90 forward 100 right 90 forward 100 right 90 forward 100

Domain-specific language, Programming language, Programming terms, Turtle

The triangle that creates the graphic is often called a turtle or turtle head.

  • A Microsoft Windows version of Logo may be downloaded from their official site.
  • Programming language history.