Linux (pronounced “linnucks”) is a monolithic, open-source kernel, and a family of operating systems based on that kernel. The Linux kernel was originally developed by Linus Torvalds, who announced it on the comp.os.minix newsgroup on August 25, 1991. Since then, it’s been ported to computer architectures including x86-64, x86, ARM, RISC, and DEC Alpha. It is licensed under version 2 of the GPL.

Developers can access all Linux source code, and are permitted under the license conditions to modify and distribute it.

Where is Linux used?

Presently, Linux is used by several million users worldwide. The composition of users varies from private users, training centers, universities, research centers, and companies. Below are examples of where Linux is used today.

  • Where is Linux used?
  • Who makes Linux now?
  • Linux distributions, flavors, and variants.
  • System requirements.
  • Related information.
  • Linux questions and answers.

Who makes Linux now?

Thousands of organizations, corporations, and individuals help develop Linux and each of its various distributions. For more information, visit You can read what’s happening right now in Linux development at, the Linux kernel mailing list.

Linux distributions, flavors, and variants

Linux may be obtained in two different ways. All the necessary components can be downloaded free of charge from the Internet, which means an operating system can be assembled for almost nothing. An alternative is to use a so-called distribution, a Linux variation offered by many companies. They include a broad range of applications and full programs that significantly simplify the installation of Linux.

There are hundreds of different distributions of Linux were released. Below are a few that we currently have listed on our site. A great site that lists almost every distribution, and rankings is DistroWatch.

System requirements

There are many variants of Linux, each with hardware requirements. Some can run on minimal systems with small amounts of RAM and disk space.

For information on identifying what distribution of Linux you have, see: How to find the kernel or distro of Linux.

If you want to run Linux, and your computer meets the following specifications, it should be able to run any variant of Linux.

  • 64-bit Intel or AMD processor
  • 1 GB RAM
  • 10 GB of hard drive space
  • CD/DVD drive or a USB port for installation

FREAX, Linux kernel, Operating system terms, System V, Tux, Unix, Variant

  • Linux vs. Windows.
  • Is Linux Unix?
  • Linux help and command listing.
  • Linux help and support.
  • Linux and Unix related companies.
  • Linux tips.
  • Linux history.