Justify, justified, justification, or full justified is text that is both left-aligned and right-aligned. For example, this paragraph of text is justified. As you can see, there is no ragged edge on either the left or right side of the text. To make both sides of the text straight extra spacing is added between each of the words.

What is the keyboard shortcut for justify?

In Microsoft Word, you can use the Ctrl+J keyboard shortcut to justify any text.

The last line of the paragraph is always left-aligned, as seen above.

The term “justify” is not a synonym for “align” or “alignment.” These terms have different meanings. See the alignment definition for its meaning.

Center, Left align, Margin, Right align, Typography terms, Word processor terms, Word wrap

  • How to align text in Microsoft Word, Writer, and Google Docs.
  • How to align text in Microsoft Excel, Calc, and Google Sheets.
  • How to align text on a web page in HTML or CSS.