Short for Google Mail, Gmail is a free service provided by Google that enables users to send and receive e-mail over the Internet. Gmail was initially thought of as a joke because it was announced on April 1st, 2004.

Gmail is unique in that it provides several gigabytes of e-mail data storage, which means most users don’t have to worry about not getting e-mail due to exceeding their available storage. Another defining trait of the Gmail service is that it allows users to be inactive for up to nine months. Many similar services require a login at least once every 30 days to keep an account active. Finally, Gmail has the best spam detection capabilities available, which means almost all spam is filtered into the trash, so you don’t have to read it.

How do I install Gmail?

Gmail is an online service that can be accessed on a computer through your Internet web browser and does not need to be installed. Gmail can also be opened through a browser on your smartphone, but it’s easier to use the Gmail app. To install Gmail on your smartphone, open your smartphone app store, find Gmail, and choose the option to install the app.

Computer abbreviations, E-mail, E-mail terms, ESP, Google, Hotmail, Internet terms

  • How to create an e-mail account.
  • How to send an attachment or photo through e-mail.
  • How to change a Google account password.
  • E-mail help and support.
  • The official Gmail website.