Geek speak may refer to any of the following:

  1. Geek speak often refers to any talking in words that are considered technical jargon, especially words or acronyms related to computers, handhelds, or other technological devices. The term is thought to have become popular due to its use by the press in 1998 while covering a Microsoft antitrust case.

  2. GeekSpeak is a radio program that began in 1998 and is broadcast on KUSP out of Santa Cruz, California. It is an hour-long program that focuses on the latest trends in technology and offers advice and tips on technical topics.

Geek speak may also refer to shorthand used to abbreviations and acronyms used in chat.

  • See our computer dictionary for over 15,000 terms relating to computers and technology.

Acronyms, FNBN, Geek, Slang

  • The official GeekSpeak website.