Facebook is the most popular social networking site on the Internet. It was co-created by Mark Zuckerberg and officially launched on February 4, 2004. Facebook is a popular destination for users to set up their personal web pages, connect with friends, share pictures, share movies, talk about what they’re doing, etc.

Facebook can be accessed from any web browser at the Facebook official website. It can also be accessed through the Facebook app, available on smartphones and tablet computers.

Facebook history

On October 4, 2012, Facebook officially announced that it surpassed the one billion active users mark. According to Statista, in the first quarter of 2019, Facebook had over 2.3 billion active users.

Facebook is often abbreviated as “FB” or “fb.” To help prevent confusion to your reader, always spell out “Facebook” in your writing.

  • Facebook history.
  • Additional Facebook terms and features.
  • Computer Hope on Facebook.
  • Related information.

On October 28, 2021, Facebook’s parent company rebranded as Meta.

Additional Facebook terms and features

  • Facebook Story - Added to Facebook in 2017, stories are portrait-oriented photos and videos that disappear after 24 hours.
  • Facebook Live - A live streaming platform built into Facebook, allowing you to stream and interact with your Facebook friends.
  • Facebook Gaming - The streaming platform that replaced Mixer after being acquired by Facebook’s parent company, Meta.
  • Facebook Gameroom - A platform that allows users to play mobile games like Bejeweled and Candy Crush with Facebook friends.
  • Facebook Group - A private (or public) user-created subcommunity on Facebook, allowing a user to post photos and discussions in the group.

Computer Hope on Facebook

You can become a Computer Hope fan and communicate with other Facebook members by clicking Like in the box below or visiting Computer Hope on Facebook.

App, Big Tech, Facebook Messenger, FB, FOMO, Friend, Friend request, Google+, Instagram, Internet terms, Meta, MySpace, Open Graph, Poke, Social network, Twitter, Wall

  • Facebook tips.
  • Is Facebook safe?
  • How to make a Facebook account.
  • I forgot my Facebook password.
  • How to change my profile picture on Facebook.
  • How to delete my Facebook account.
  • How to create, edit, and delete a post or comment on Facebook.
  • How is Twitter different from Facebook?
  • Facebook company information.
  • How to find people online.
  • The official Facebook site.
  • How is Twitter different from Facebook?
  • Facebook help and support.
  • Internet help and support.