Short for electronic publication, ePUB is a free and open e-book standard created by the IPDF (International Digital Publishing Forum). The file extension for an ePUB file is .epub.

ePUB is designed for “reflowable” content, which indicates the layout of an ePUB publication can be adjusted for a particular display mode or device. For compatibility, ePUB also supports fixed-layout content.

ePUB uses XHTML 1.1 to represent the content of the book. Styling and layout are performed using style sheets which conform to the CSS 2.0 standard, with some additional custom properties. PNG, JPEG, GIF, and SVG formats are supported for images.

An example ePUB book might contain the following skeleton XHTML code:

Pride and Prejudice...

Computer abbreviations, E-Book, lowerCamelCase, Publishing, Software terms

ePUB books support DRM components, but do not require it.