Disaster recovery is a company’s set of rules and tools to ensure the recovery of data and continuation of business after a human-caused or natural disaster. These tools include having multiple backup points in different physical locations from which the company can pull critical business data. Having a recovery plan helps a company resume day-to-day operations with minimal time and data loss after a disaster.

Components of a disaster recovery plan

The components of a disaster recovery plan include, but are not limited to, the following:

  • Ensure the safety of your employees.
  • Research several options for a workspace should your main office be damaged.
  • Make a list of critical job responsibilities.
  • Make sure you have the necessary equipment for your employees to be able to resume working. This equipment could include work stations, backup servers, phones, and other equipment essential to your company’s workflow.
  • For data recovery, you need to ensure your work is stored either in parallel at a different, offsite location, or with a cloud storage company.

Business terms, Security terms, Software terms

  • How to back up your computer.
  • How to perform a system image backup in Windows.