Computer fraud is the use of computers, the Internet, Internet devices, and Internet services to defraud people or organizations of resources. Illegal computer activities include phishing, social engineering, viruses, and DDoS attacks are examples used to disrupt service or access another user’s funds. See our computer crime page for a list of additional examples.

The United States government first enacted the Comprehensive Crime Control Act on October 12, 1984, which has been amended and updated many times in an attempt to prevent computer fraud. This act penalizes violators with stiff penalties. However, there are many opponents of this act who feel it’s too broad and leaves too much leeway in the law’s jurisdiction. This view complains that by not being specific enough, that many people are punished that ordinarily would not be considered violators.

Attack, Computer crime, Crime, Fake antivirus, Fake tech support, Security terms

  • How to protect yourself while on the Internet.
  • Computer security help and support.