Alternatively called link bait, clickbait or click bait is a hyperlink on a web page that entices a visitor to click to continue reading an article. Clickbait links often forward the user to a page that requires payment, registration, or is one of several pages to help drive page views for the site.

Clickbait examples

Most clickbait links feature catchy or provocative headlines designed to appeal to a person’s curiosity. Below is an example of a non clickbait title and how that title could be made into a clickbait title.

Non clickbait title

Computer keyboard shortcut keys.

Miley Cyrus’ favorite keyboard shortcuts.

Why using shortcut keys can save you hundreds of dollars a day.

Keyboard shortcuts that won’t make you look like an idiot.

Is not using shortcut keys making your gain weight?

Keyboard shortcuts that residents use the most.

You won’t believe these shortcut keys you’ve never used.

Does clickbait work?

If a clickbait heading or hyperlink is designed correctly or is catchy, it can be successful in getting people to visit the link. If your only intention is to drive traffic to a page, a clickbait link could help. However, if the visitor feels tricked or the information on the page doesn’t match the title they’ll quickly leave, and you will lose the visitors trust. There’s more to designing a good page than a clickbait heading and hyperlink.

Click, Computer slang, Hyperlink, Internet terms, SEO terms

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